When you enroll at Susquehanna, you’ll be paired with an advisor and application tool to guide you in your course planning and scheduling. The following is an excerpt from the complete course catalog. Enrolled students follow the requirements of the course catalog for the academic year in which they declare each major and/or minor, consult with their advisor(s).
Learning Goals
- Biology majors will learn to identify and describe the basic principles and theories of the biological sciences.
- Using the basic principles and theories of the biological sciences, students will learn to construct and critique logical arguments in biology.
- Students will learn to use biological skills and techniques to acquire and evaluate scientific evidence.
Major in Biology
The Bachelor of Science degree in biology requires 60 semester hours in biology, chemistry and physics with grades of C- or better in biology. The Bachelor of Science degree includes an introductory sequence, biology distribution requirements (in cell and molecular biology, organismal biology, and ecology and evolution), and other requirements as outlined below. In addition, all students must complete an research capstone requirement (either Group A or Group B track).
16 Introductory Sequence
4 BIOL-101 Ecology and Evolution
and BIOL 101L Ecology and Evolution Lab
4 BIOL-102 Cell Biology and Genetics
and BIOL-102L Cell Biology and Genetics Lab
4 BIOL-205 Organismal Biology
4 BIOL-220 Biostatistics
16 Biology Distribution Requirements
Cell and Molecular Biology
Choose from one of the following:
3 BIOL-300 Developmental Biology
3 BIOL-306 Cell Biology
3 BIOL-316 Molecular Biology
3 BIOL-319 Advanced Genetics
3 BIOL-400 Immunology
Organismal Biology
Choose from one of the following:
3 BIOL-302 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
3 BIOL-310 Animal Physiology
3 BIOL-312 Microbiology
3 BIOL-320 Exercise and Extreme Physiology
3 BIOL-328 Natural History of Early Vertebrates
3 BIOL-404 Plant Physiology
3 BIOL-440 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
3 BIOL-455 Functional Neuroanatomy
3 ECOL-110 Biogeodiversity
Choose from one of the following:
3 BIOL-324 Animal Behavior
3 BIOL-326 Invertebrate Zoology
3 BIOL-332 Population Biology
3 BIOL-340 Marine Ecology
3 BIOL-408 Aquatic Ecology
3 BIOL-460 Winter Ecology of Vertebrates
3 ECOL-201 Community and Ecosystems Ecology
3 Laboratory courses taken concurrently with lecture or after the lecture has been completed
4-8 At least two different course offerings from:
2 BIOL-550 Explorations in Biology
2-4 BIOL-560 Interdisciplinary Explorations in Biology*
4 BIOL-565 Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Genome Editing*
2 BIOL-157 The Biology of Women
2 HLCR-370 Human Health and Disease
2 ECOL-560 Interdisciplinary Explorations in Ecology
* Students taking BIOL-560 for 4 semester hours must complete another course from this list or a second section of BIOL-560 with a different topic.
Other Requirements
Based upon their qualifications and career goals, students may opt for collaborative research experience with a faculty mentor (Group A), or they may elect to take a classroom-based research experience (Group B). Each track contains a component that fulfills the capstone requirement for the major (i.e., BIOL-510 in the case of Group A and BIOL-350 in the case of Group B).
Group A:
4 BIOL-510 Student Research I
4 BIOL-511 Student Research II
Group B:
4 BIOL-350 Investigative Problems in Biology
4 Biology elective courses at the 200 level or above
20 Corollary Courses
4 CHEM-103 or CHEM-111 General Chemistry I
4 CHEM-221 Organic Chemistry I
4 CHEM-104 orCHEM-232 General Chemistry II, or CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II
8 Choose 8 additional semester hours from the following courses:
BIOL-318 General Biochemistry
CHEM-104 or CHEM-232 General Chemistry II (if not previously counted as a corollary course above)
CHEM-222 Organic Chemistry II (if not previously counted as a corollary course above)
CHEM-242 Methods of Chemical Analysis
CHEM-302 Medicinal Chemistry
CHEM-306 Nanoscience
CHEM-313 Biotechnology
CHEM-314 Survey of Biochemistry
CHEM-422 The Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids
CHEM-423 Biochemistry Nucleic Acids Laboratory
CHEM-424 The Biochemistry of Metabolism
CHEM-426 The Biochemistry of Proteins and Enzymes
CHEM-427 Biochemistry of Proteins and Enzymes Laboratory
CHEM-429 Biochemistry of Metabolism Laboratory
CHEM-311 Analytical Chemistry
CSCI-151 Introduction to Programming
CSCI-181 Principles of Computer Science
CSCI-301 Data Mining
PHYS- 202 or PHYS-204 Introductory Physics I
PHYS-205 or PHYS-206
Introductory Physics Honors in Biology
The departmental honors program encourages and recognizes superior academic performance in biology. Candidates for academic honors must:
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 and a GPA of 3.50 in biology courses to qualify for academic honors, and
- Successfully complete Student Research I and II (BIOL-510 and BIOL-511) or BIOL-350, and earn a grade of B- or better in these courses.
Candidates for research honors must:
- Be nominated by a member of the biology faculty by midterm of Student Research II (BIOL-511),
- Submit an acceptable research thesis based upon two semesters of Student Research (BIOL-510 and BIOL-511), and
- Pass an oral comprehensive examination of their thesis in their final semester.
Secondary Teaching Certification
Secondary Teaching Certification Coursework required by the state of Pennsylvania for admission to the teacher certification program includes successful completion of FYSE-100 or equivalent course (having learning goals related to English composition), at least 3 semester hours in British or American literature, at least 6 semester hours of mathematics coursework (or other courses which satisfy the Central Curriculum Analytical Thought requirement) and at least one 40-hour externship. Education requirements for secondary education are EDUC-101 Introduction to Education and Society, EDUC-250 Educational Psychology, EDUC-260 Introduction to Special Education, EDUC-270 Instruction of Exceptional Students, EDUC-330 Technology in Education, EDUC- 350 English Language Learners: Theory and Instruction, EDUC-380 Instructional Design, EDUC-424 Methods of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Teaching Science, EDUC-479 Principles of Learning and Teaching in Secondary Education, EDUC-483 Differentiated Instruction and Classroom Management in Secondary Education, and the EDUC-500 Student Teaching package (EDUC-501, EDUC-502, EDUC-503, and EDUC-600).
In addition, secondary education biology students complete all of the usual requirements for the biology major.